Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Poem by Walter Ruhlmann

Massif de la Chartreuse by Walter Ruhlmann

You say you want me inside you
but you don’t know what’s inside me.
The roguery, the erratic wolf craving for

What’s happening inside ourselves
always erupts and bursts outside,
in the shades of some unfathomable shelters
where we cherish the sheer moments of calm.

Now you're there, looking for me,
absolutely nothing could reassure you;
humming like I used to in the time
when we blossomed.

The mountains encircle neuralgia,
clear water is springing from their flanks
like dark blood is spurting from a corpse.

Nostalgia are at peace with themselves
but they will never leave us unharmed.
Let's collapse in the deep corridors of mercy
and burrow through a chemical shroud,
or a shredded duvet.

                                                                             from Fandango, to be published at Urtica in 2018


Walter Ruhlmann works as an English teacher, edits Urtica and Beakful. His latest collections are Crossing Puddles (Robocup Press), 2015 and Civilisé (Urtica), 2017. His blog http://thenightorchid.blogspot.fr

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Hébron de Harry R. Wilkens (traduit par Frédéric Maire)

Des Israéliennes en exercice durant leur service militaire (archive de 2005). © EPA. - EPA/IDF.

françaises & russes
& orientales,
en mitraillettes,
prêtes à
non à
de s'imaginer
faire l'amour
avec un beau
garçon arabe
au lieu de coucher
avec leurs
complices tarés
et calottés
et autres vermines
en mitraillettes
se déversant
sur cette
terre bénie.

Harry R. Wilkens (1996)
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